Saturday, March 5, 2011

Volume 1 - Chapter 1: Kobold Troubles

I would now like to present a new project that I am very proud of and think that you all would enjoy.  I am currently playing a Dungeons and Dragons game and posting our adventures as the new Security by Obscurity podcast.  We have a fan page on Facebook, we will soon be appearing on iTunes Music Store, and you'll be able to find our adventures here as well.

I hope you enjoy listening to our adventures as much as I enjoyed recording them.

Volume 1 - Chapter 1: Kobold Troubles
Part 1:
In our first adventure, we are introduced to our heros in the middle of an apocalyptic scene. We quickly return to civilization and are enjoying the Sun Festival, when Kobolds attack.

Part 2:
After hearing the Chief's deal, we set out to find The Whisperer, eventually discovering the entrance to his lair.

Part 3:
We finally track down the Whisperer. We are also introduced to Elhsed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7 Stages in the Evolution of Web Design

Hello internet world.  It's been awhile since we've talked.  I started writing an article last week, but then I realized that I didn't know enough about comic books to write out a full 7 points list, so I posted it as a 3 points list on Podtact's blog. Curse you Handley for calling this "7 Deadly Lists."

Anyway, I was then surfing the interwebs and I stumbled upon a website that was either designed several years ago or designed by someone who failed their 8th grade computer class.  It tickled my funny bone and I was intrigued to start researching trends in web design.  I then decided it would be fun to compile this into a 7 step evolution for your enjoyment.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

7 Peculiar Phrases From My Cell Phone's User Created Dictionary

So, I recently found myself sitting in a waiting room for an extended period of time with a friend.  While we were sitting in this waiting room, I actually got bored enough to go into my phone's user created dictionary and start cleaning up typo's and words that I didn't want saved to the dictionary.  My friend and I thought this was amusing, and while it could have just been delirium created by several hours of sitting in a hospital waiting room, I decided it was amusing enough to share the best seven with all of you.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Movie Theater

Letters to People I Hate
Carl S. Entner

To The Person Who Sat In Front Of Me At The Theater

Hello sir. Might I suggest that you take a shower? The time that I spent with you was most pungent, and I always consider it wise when I go on an outing which will require me to stay in one place for a long time among strangers, that I do not have the aroma of cat feces wafting around my body.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hair Cut

Letters To People I Hate
Carl S. Entner

To The Lady That Cut My Hair Today

When I agreed to let you cut my hair today I was not looking for somebody to have a nice conversation with. I was looking for a hair cut. I do not care what you think would be a great April Fools joke, its December and your idea was pretty stupid, you should consider keeping that to yourself and hope that moment of foolishness does not leak out into real life.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Story #3

by Cassi Jerkins

The child at the carnival could not have been more delighted at the demented acts he witnessed before his eyes. The laughter of the Master of Ceremonies frightened his soul in a most pleasing way. As lions hopped through hoops of fire and a man on a unicycle juggled sharp knives with his own bare hands, all the boy could think was, “I want to build my own circus!” 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

7 Reasons Southern California Traffic Sucks

So sorry for the lack of 7 Deadly Lists recently.  My computer's been in the shop for the past couple of weeks.  I was working on a list for 7 Reasons I Love Apple Care, but I couldn't get past point 1: It saved me over $1,000 in repairs.  Unfortunately, this means I had to abandon the Halloween list I was planning, but there's always next Halloween.  I would also like to thank Cassi Jerkins for helping out in the lull with some creative writing stories.  I hope you all enjoyed them as much as I did, and hopefully she has more coming soon.

Anyway, in the time since my last post, I was moved from my job at our Orange County location to our Redondo Beach location, which is good, because at least I'm getting work, but bad because on a good day, I have a one hour commute now.  Which has forced me to create the 7 Reasons Southern California Sucks.  And I think this will be the first list that I count it down from 7 to 1.  Enjoy.  Or not, I already got your page view.