Thursday, September 23, 2010

7 Fall Shows That I'm Most Excited For

First of all, let me just apologize for not posting a blog last week.  I really do want to try to post something every Thursday, but I just couldn't come up with a solid idea in time.  I figure I'd rather have a quality post than a weak post just for the sake of getting something up on Thursday.

As for this week's post, the fall TV lineup has begun!  Therefore, I will be doing my first in an annual series of the 7 Fall Shows That I'm Most Excited For.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Seven Baseball Terms I Use to Describe Drive Thrus

I eat from places with drive thrus a lot.  I mean it.  A lot.  As in, I won’t be surprised if I have a heart attack on my 30th birthday.  In fact, I go to drive thrus enough that I’ve come up with my own little language to describe my experience in a drive thru.  And inspired by using baseball terms to describe stages of sexual relationships, I’ve used baseball terms to make up this language.

So here they are, the Seven Baseball Terms I Use to Describe Drive Thrus.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Seven Most “What Were They Thinking” College Mascots

So I just recently found out that there’s this thing called football.  And apparently, there’s a college version of this “football.”  And from the looks of it, I think they start today or something.  I really can’t tell.  ESPN is being a little vague on the subject.

Anyway, I was going through my lists on and realized there are a couple of schools who have pretty dumb mascots.  I don’t even know what those guys were thinking.  It’s pretty ironic that there just happened to be exactly seven of those schools though.

Anyway, here they are in no particular order.  I take that back.  They’re in alphabetical order.  Deal with it.