Saturday, March 5, 2011

Volume 1 - Chapter 1: Kobold Troubles

I would now like to present a new project that I am very proud of and think that you all would enjoy.  I am currently playing a Dungeons and Dragons game and posting our adventures as the new Security by Obscurity podcast.  We have a fan page on Facebook, we will soon be appearing on iTunes Music Store, and you'll be able to find our adventures here as well.

I hope you enjoy listening to our adventures as much as I enjoyed recording them.

Volume 1 - Chapter 1: Kobold Troubles
Part 1:
In our first adventure, we are introduced to our heros in the middle of an apocalyptic scene. We quickly return to civilization and are enjoying the Sun Festival, when Kobolds attack.

Part 2:
After hearing the Chief's deal, we set out to find The Whisperer, eventually discovering the entrance to his lair.

Part 3:
We finally track down the Whisperer. We are also introduced to Elhsed.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

7 Stages in the Evolution of Web Design

Hello internet world.  It's been awhile since we've talked.  I started writing an article last week, but then I realized that I didn't know enough about comic books to write out a full 7 points list, so I posted it as a 3 points list on Podtact's blog. Curse you Handley for calling this "7 Deadly Lists."

Anyway, I was then surfing the interwebs and I stumbled upon a website that was either designed several years ago or designed by someone who failed their 8th grade computer class.  It tickled my funny bone and I was intrigued to start researching trends in web design.  I then decided it would be fun to compile this into a 7 step evolution for your enjoyment.